Scott Fly Rod 50th Anniversary Fly Rods

Model F7034 50th G9044 50th R9054 50th

For a limited time Scott Fly Rod Company is producing 50th anniversary fly rods. They are bringing back some of their most popular original series for this special occasion.

The original G Series was the first 9ft fly rod made and in graphite. This rod is 9ft, 4-weight in 4pcs with aluminum case and cloth sack. Rod is marked as a 50th anniversary edition.

The Radian 9ft 5-weight 4pc fly rod was a must have in its time and still sought after today even though you hardly every see them in the used section of shops. Rod comes with aluminum case and cloth sack. Rod is marked as a 50th anniversary edition.

The Scott F703-4 was the first commercial fiberglass made that was more than 2 pieces and utilized the internal ferrule. Rod is 7', 3-weight 4pcs with aluminum case and cloth sack. Rod is marked as a 50th anniversary edition.

All Scott Fly Rods come with lifetime limited warranty.