Scott Centric 907/4 Fly Rod and Reel Outfit

Style Scott Centric 907/4 with Ross Evo LTX Reel line and backing Scott Centric 907/4 with Orvis Batt Disc III Reel line and backing

The Scott Centric 9ft 7-weight 4pc is the finest bass rod I've ever cast--a step above the old Scott Radian rod. The accuracy and smooth casting I find with this rod is outstanding. When casting large flies and poppers, it easily adds 20 feet to my casts. The tight loop this casts on the presentation makes it easy to throw poppers tight against the banks below overhanding tree limbs. This same line-control makes it easy to cast even in a strong wind. This is an all around favorite for bass fishing.

Option 1 outfit includes:

  • Scott Centric 9ft 7-weight 4pc fly rod with case and lifetime warranty
  • Ross Evolution LTX 7/8 Reel
  • Scientific Anglers Mastery Bass Bug WF-7-F fly line
  • 100yds 20lb backing

Option 2 outfit includes:

  • Scott Centric 9ft 7-weight 4pc fly rod with case and lifetime warranty
  • Orvis Battenkill Disc III Reel
  • Scientific Anglers Mastery Bass Bug WF-7-F fly line
  • 100yds 20lb backing