Orvis Clearwater 763-4 Fly Rod and Reel Outfit

Outfit CW 763-4 outfit with Clearwater Reel CW 763-4 outfit with Orvis Battenkill Click II Reel

The Clearwater 3-Weight 7'6" Fly Rod is an exceptional small stream rod that provides the delicacy and precision of a higher priced premium rod. When high mountain streams or spring creeks call, the medium action Clearwater 763-4 answers with all the performance, casting pleasure, and feel you would expect from an Orvis designed rod.

The Orvis Clearwater rods have always been great rods for the price. With this fly rod and reel complete outfit you can get some great fishing on the smaller eastern and western trout streams.

Outfit includes:

  • Orvis Clearwater 763-4 (7'6", 3-weight, 4pc. rod) with case and 25 year warranty
  • Orvis Clearwater II Fly Reel
  • Scientific Anglers Frequency Boost WF-3-F Fly Line
  • 20lb 100yds backing

2nd OPTION:  

  • Orvis Clearwater 763-4 (7'6", 3-weight, 4pc. rod) with case and 25 year warranty
  • Orvis Battenkill Click II Fly Reel
  • Scientific Anglers Frequency Boost WF-3-F Fly Line
  • 20lb 100yds backing