Control Dial Extension Lead - Building Block Wire Harness

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This Tee Connector is made to fit the color tone adjustable dial leads for our new ,  and  only. It is one component of our new building block wire harness. 

End to End Length: 28 inches

Here's a to learn more about the different components and how they operate our lights.

Recommended Setup

If purchasing multiple 160W Swamp Eye Bowfishing Lights and you wish to control multiple lights by one single dial, we recommend purchasing one Tee Connector per light. 

Where did the idea come from?

The Swamp Eye Bowfishing Lights are the first purpose-built color tone adjustable bowfishing lights. The most common complaint we've had with our Swamp Eye Light Bars was related to the wire harnesses. 

Customers would commonly request us to set up multiple lights to be controlled by one single dial, which would require us to permanently solder control dial leads together. Once this is done, it is a permanent setup and if the customer changes their mind to have 4 lights controlled by one dial and 2 lights by another dial instead of having all 6 lights controlled by one dial, they would have to send the wire harness back to us and we would have to re-customize the harness. 

The solution to this problem is our all-new building block wiring harness. It is made to fit our 160W Swamp Eye Bowfishing Lights and all future lights will be compatible with it as well. 

About the Building Block Wire Harness

The Building Block Wire Harness allows you to utilize the waterproof plug-and-play connections to control multiple lights by one single dial without any soldering or permanent customizations.

If you wish to control 6 lights on one dial tonight, you can do that. If throughout the night you realize the right side of the boat is closer to the shore and in muddy water while the left side of the boat is in deeper, clearer waters, and you want to set the two sides to different color tones for better visibility, you can literally do that on the fly. Just unplug one set of lights from the dial and plug them into another control dial.