Bates Fishing Co. Salty 150 Casting Reel

Style 7.1:1 Left Handed 7.1:1 Right Handed

Inshore ingenuity is the name of the game when it comes to Salty. For those bass fishermen turned saltwater angler, or for the coastal guy or gal who just prefers the accuracy and versatility a bait caster provides, we’ve designed a reel in a class of its own. Salty is the first fully machined, low profile bait caster manufactured from bar stock aluminum and pieced together with stainless steel components. Its anti-corrosion make up makes this reel saltier than the bays and flats themselves, and the anodized finish is sure to keep everyone else staring while you catch all the fish!


  • 150 sized frame
  • Brass gear
  • CNC precision cut 6061-T6 bar stock aluminum one-piece-body
  • 10+1 stainless steel bearings anti corrosion coating
  • 26” per crank line pickup
  • Stainless steel & titanium drag assembly water tight seal 
  • 120mm Titanium Crank Arm
  • Adjustable magnetic brakes
  • Laser engraved cork grips and thumb bar
  • Nautical blue anodized finish salt water resistant 
  • Custom neoprene reel case
  • Built to last (no plastic toys here)
  • 20lb Drag 
  • Weight 8.0 Oz
  • Fresh or Saltwater ready 
  • Mono Line Capacity: 12 lbs / 140 yds, Braided Line Capacity: 30 lbs / 190 yds 


Model Retrieve Gear Ratio Weight Line Cap. Bearings
BRSLH711NB Left 7.1:1 8.4 12/140 10BB + 1RB
BRSRH631NB Right 6.3:1 8.4 12/140 10BB + 1RB
BRSRH711NB Right 7.1:1 8.4 12/140 10BB + 1RB